Monday, June 23, 2008

Wagon Wheels & Baby Dolls

What do wagon wheels have to do with baby dolls? Dayton Ohio East Stake Youth Conference, that's what. This year the Stake planned a pioneer trek for our kids, and Lance and I went along as the "parents" for our Branch. It wasn't long - arrive Thursday evening, trek on Friday, service project early Saturday & heading home by 3 PM. We camped out in tents or under the stars, and enjoyed meals provided by the stake leaders. Here are a couple of videos of the event...
Thursday evening the kids learned the Virginia Reel...

These next three are from the day of the trek. I tried to put it into one video, but it was too big to use...

As you can see, some of the trek was easy, and some of it put the kids to the test. I didn't pull the cart once, and in some of the area's I was lucky just to get myself up the incline. It got pretty steep in places, but amazingly enough, there wasn't much grumbling from the kids. They worked together quite well.

Did you notice some of them carrying baby dolls along with them? Let me tell you about that. Before we took off from the campsite, one girl from each family group was given a baby doll to care for on the trek. Toward the end, Brother Young (Stake YM Pres.) stopped the group and talked about those who had to care for young children or babies while crossing the plains in handcarts and how some of them had to leave them behind when illness or injury took them. Then, he dug a shallow grave and had one of the young women bury her baby. Talk about leaving an impression on a person. I think of all the experiences the kids had durning their eight hours with a handcart, this one left the greatest impact. That poor girl was completely broken up over the thought of what it must have been like to leave a child behind like that.

That wasn't the end of it, though. Lance and I, being the ones bringing up the rear, got to go back and get the baby and get it back to camp undetected. That night at the fireside, Brother Young had the young lady get up and tell her feelings about the experience. He then brought out the baby doll wrapped in a beautiful white blanket and gave it back to her, reminding the kids that because of the Savior's Atonement, those who made such sacrifices in their lives would be able to raise those lost children one day. It was great lesson for the whole group.

All in all, it was a great event for everyone who was able to go. We all left with tired and aching bodies, but with stronger spirits and testimonies. Here are a few more pictures...

Jori & Weston enjoying(?) a dance...

Getting ready for the trek ... will the girls be impressed with the new look?

Our pioneer family...

Jori's baby envy...

Oh sure, it's all fun on the flats...

Down a steep incline the girls really show their stuff ... Who needs men, anyway?

Pulling up another steep ridge...

Post-trek help for sore feet...

Saturday service project clearing the honeysuckle that's taking over Ohio.


Cassie said...

Looks like it was a great time! I know the YW really enjoyed themselves. Sounds like you guys did too.

Miller Family said...

What a blast! Wish I sould have been there. I'm sure it was an awesome experience for all!

Debbie said...

Sounds like a great experience for all. I enjoyed seeing your pictures of the YW. I miss our Ohio family

Lucy said...

I thought you and Lance were very noble to go on the trip, and especially not to grumble yourselves. It sounds like it was one that they'll all remember!

Becky said...

Uh, I think I grumbled some about really sore feet and feeling like my bladder was going to explode but not daring to squat in the poison ivy and stinging nettles (guys have it so easy some times!)
...just to set the record straight.


Until next time, friends!
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