...our new little Dallin Reed Peterson. He totally ignored the given due date of July 24, deciding instead the 29th of July was a good day to be born, and arrived at 12:34 PM. He weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces (same as Micah!) and measured 20.5 inches at the hospital. Five days later he measured 22 inches at the doctors office. We're going with the 22 inches, which explains a lot of the pushing on Mom's ribs and bladder at the same time for the last month and a half.
As you can see from the following picture, there were mixed reactions to his becoming part of the family.
Christopher is very pleased with his new little brother, and Micah may be wearing a grin, but it's pasted on. He is still warming up to Dallin. Every day though, he is willing to get a little closer, especially now that Dallin is more awake and looking around. Micah also starts kindergarten in a couple of weeks, so it's going to be interesting around here for a while. Change has never been one of his strengths. Lance is anticipating a few more years in the work force, as well as being mistaken for "Grandpa" instead of Daddy.
So, here we are... the Peterson Family...
...Christopher is starting his senior year of high school. Micah is starting kindergarten, and then there is the newborn. No, we did not plan it this way. Who in their right mind would? We are very grateful for the gift of one more child, though. Dallin is a gift, one we hoped for but didn't expect given our track record.
Now my days are sidetracked by a sweet little face that I sit and stare at for way too long, and a warm little body that fits perfectly to mine. I'm having a hard time getting much done around here. (Gee, really? He's almost two weeks old already, and you're just getting around to posting his pictures on your blog!)
Here are a couple more pictures. Aunt Laura came from California to help out for a week. Here she is with Dallin just before we were able to leave the hospital. The blue glow is from the photo-therapy blanket that we went home with to help him get rid of the jaundice. He spent the whole day Saturday in the nursery under the lights, which made for a long day for me. Laura kept me company for most of the day, which made it so much better. Thank you!
This last picture was taken at three days old. Check out those eyes! So dark you can't tell the iris from the pupil, just like Christopher's! I may be slightly biased, but this little boy is beautiful.