Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Micah's Best Kind of Day

Today is the kind of day that everyone needs to have. It started with helping Mom make a batch of bread, and waiting impatently for it to be cool enough to eat. Next, inhaling a couple of slices while Mom gets lunch packed.
Then off to the library to meet best bud, Justin Coleman, for reading time. Today, Mrs. Nancy gave everyone a super cool frog toy that jumps right off the table. Couldn't get enough of that! After the library, it was off to the park to eat lunch, then climb, slide and play...

turtle riders...

taxi drivers...

down the slide...


After Dad got home, it was outside and onto the mower, then down to the creek to throw rocks (he can throw them clear across now) and tromp through the leaves and muck. Life doesn't get much better that this!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Last night (Saturday) after enjoying a piano recital featuring Todd & Mitch Coleman (good job, guys!), I needed to run into town for two items. Bread and bodywash. We needed both in the house if we were going to get to church this morning without failing to bring the Sacrament bread or offending others with the odor of unwashed bodies. That's it, that's all I needed. Let's see - bread is about $2 and the body wash around $3. Even with two bottles of body wash, I should have been able to get out of there having spent no more than ten bucks. Any guesses on how much the total at the end of the receipt was? If you said $100, you're pretty dang close. $96.85! How does bread and body wash turn into that? Actually, I don't think I have to explain it to you at all , do I? You all know exactly what I'm talking about. Thank you, Sam Walton & Co. for creating a space where my budget no longer has any meaning. Okay, so nobody forced me at gunpoint to put those other items in my cart. I did it all on my own. I can't blame the good folks at Wal-Mart, but they sure helped out just by putting it all in one place. Way too easy to impulse buy. Not everything that landed in the cart beyond my original items was unnecessary - cat food, t-shirt and shorts for Micah. I just didn't need them at the moment. None the less, now the finches have a double sock feeder hanging out under the tree, and when I find the time I can read all seven of the books in C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia. They now have them in one complete paperback volume. (One more way to put off doing what really needs to be done around here!) I'll have to be back in that store again sometime this week to finish grocery shopping and when I go, I'm stickin' to The List. Think I can do it? The challenge is on, not just for myself, but for all of you, too! Good luck.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Not often, mind you. However, today I finished the Commit to Be Fit 5K in Columbus, Ohio. The part that amazes me is not that I finished the race ( I walked it! How hard was that? Thanks to the chilly weather, I barely broke a sweat), but that I actually finished something I started. I signed up for this way back in October. Since then, I've had plenty of conversations with myself about why even bother. My original goal was to run (ahem, jog) the whole thing. Thanks to my own stupidity, though, the training for running never even got started. Tendonitis in both knees. Can you say PAIN ?!? Needless to say, it wasn't going to happen. None the less, I did go through with the race. Thank you, Lance and Micah, for cheering me on! What did I get out of it? Well, other than slightly sore feet, and a medal to hang around my neck, I found someone new I like - ME! Amazing!!
Next year, I am going to run it. And...Lance is going to join me! Heard and witnessed. Oh, the penguin? Go to www.johnbinghamracing.com , and you'll get the scoop. Waddle on!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Who's Child is this Anyway?

So, if you don't recognize this guy, this is Chris at Epcot. The Ben Logan Marching Band goes to Florida every four years, and this was the year. It was quite the trip.They went to most of the theme parks in the Orlando area, as well as spent a day a Cocoa Beach. They also went to a Medieval Times Dinner Theater. It was a busy trip. The band marched in the pre-parade parade the day they went to Disney World. Apparently that was the least pleasant part of the trip. Marching in full winter uniform in 80+ degree weather sound like fun, anyone? To add to the discomfort, they spent all day at the beach (don't forget your suncreen!) the day BEFORE they had to get into those wonderful uniforms that keep you warm on a chilly night during football season in Ohio. Who scheduled that? All in all, it was a great trip. An added perk was that they went during the week of spring break, which had to be cut short in order to make up some of the snow days. Thus, while the rest of the students were back in school 3 days earlier than scheduled, the band played in the sun for a whole week. Some people have all the luck. I'm glad he go the chance to go. Getting our family to Florida for a vacation isn't at the top of our list these days. We'd rather head west to be with family if we're going to take a trip. Anyhow, in this second picture these guys all decidedto get some head gear that reflected their heritage. What a hoot! Don't you wish you were there? Surpise of all surpises, the boy with a bottomless pit for a stomach actually brought home $4o of food money that he didn't use. Oh, and a gift for his mother. Wasn't that thoughtful of him? It would have been if I hadn't reminded him before he left that there had better be something for me in his bag when he got home, or someone could get hurt. They were getting back on my birthday, after all. Now I have a lovely rose that will never lose it's bloom. If you ever happen to be at our house, I'll show it to you. Well, that's enough of this - laundry is calling my name.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Way to Procastinate

Here goes another hour of my day, but what the heck. I've been checking out other blogs, and thought this might be interesting. Hey, another way to keep family updated, right? We'll see how long this lasts and if I can keep it current. If nothing else, it's one more reason to put off mopping the kitchen floor. (As if I need another reason. Quiet, Lance.)


Until next time, friends!
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